Make no mistake we all have a choice when it comes to where we put…

17 LESSONS of Leadership and Performance for 2017
1. Explore New Frontiers – Challenge yourself to learn, grow and develop in areas you have not previously explored.
2. Practice Self Leadership First – “Leader of one, leader of many, if you can’t lead self you can’t lead any”. Attributed to John Wooden
3. Mastery – Strive for Mastery in your chosen craft. Mastery is bestowed upon those who diligently dedicate many hours of purposeful, deliberate practice to their craft in order for deep learning and understanding to occur.
4. Leading Others – Excellence always begins and ends with good leadership. Continue to learn and grow as a leader (and follower).
5. Health – “Health is your first Wealth” – Hippocrates. Eat good foods, exercise regularly and always schedule time for rest, relaxation and recovery.
6. Patience – Be Patient with Process. Remember Patience is a Virtue not a Verb. World class behaviours, acts and performances must be nurtured to allow them to become part of YOU.
7. Focus – What we focus on expands. YOU can focus on all that you have or obsess on what you lack. Practice the former and never the latter. Those who are the best are able to achieve the most with the least.
8. Mindset – Develop a Winning Mindset. Almost always the road to victory will go through places called “failure”. Champions develop their mental muscles by failing forward….. always learning, always growing, always getting better.
9. Environment – Create an environment for world class performance and leadership to occur. Rid yourself from toxic people and toxic places.
10. Excellence – Always be committed to excellence…always, even when its easier to take a shortcut or fall prey to the influence of others who are ok with mediocrity.
11. Priorities- The most important things in life have nothing to do with things. Always prioritise beautiful experiences and beautiful people over instant gratification and the latest gadget on the market.
12. Be Your Own Hero – Step into your own greatness. Self awareness is the key to higher performance; You have unlimited power and potential. Be Great.
13. Gratitude – Be grateful for all the lessons life gives you. Even in your darkest moments their will be a lesson for growth and greater learning. Give unconditionally.
14. Develop a -Calendar of Daily Events – A C.O.D.E that you commit to, to create habits of excellence in the areas that will lead to greatness in your life. Your elite performance routines will not work if you don’t do the work to make them work.
15. Simplicity- Whilst we need to delve into complex areas of study to learn and gain deeper understanding always look to learn the simple truths within the truths
16. Learn – Read from good books, attend great courses, employ a great coach mentor. Never stop learning.
17. Love – The ultimate act of leadership is “To Serve” – to serve and love others in such a way that it makes them and the world a better place for us all to live. Nothing works to its full potential without LOVE.
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